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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - News of the passing of pro-abort, pro-homosexual "devoutly Catholic" Ted Kennedy along with news of recent remarks made by Cherie Blair - a supposed Catholic who advocates the grave sin of contraception - we are once again faced with numerous media reports of so-called "devout" Catholics who pick & choose which parts of the faith they will follow. Perhaps such persons really are "devout" in the eyes of the godless media simply because they might attend a Mass or utter a few religious sound bites, but are they really "devout"?
How can a "devout" Catholic possibly...?
* Advocate violating the 5th commandment: "You shall not kill."
* Lend support to a grave sin that "cries out to heaven for vengeance", a sin that caused the all-loving God to condemn the perpetrators to suffer eternal hellfire (see Jude 1:7)
* Advocate a practice that contradicts the primary purpose of marriage and caused God to directly take the life of one that practiced it (see Gen. 38:9-10)
* Publicly oppose the official teachings of the Church
This is their idea of devout? Wouldn't truly devout Catholics cringe at the thought of such behaviors being considered "devout"?
Even though more educated & faithful Catholics might write off these statements as being simply ridiculous, it seems we have a duty to actually oppose such comments. The reason? For the good of others' souls. Should persons less educated in the faith hear these statements go unopposed, they may think they can also be "devout" Catholics even while obstinately rejecting Church teachings. As a result, they may put their souls in grave danger.