Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Catholic News Headlines / Links [8-18-09]

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Note: The following are from the MyCatholicSource.com News & Opinion Page at
http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cmno/news_and_opinion.htm (or archived at http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cmno/news_and_opinion_archive_2009.htm ). Not all links may be included. Dates in brackets may refer to dates the links were added to the MCS news page. Items herein contain text only. To view news briefs, actual news links (or to view full news stories), click above link for MCS News & Opinion Page (or archive).

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Vatican Museums extends evening openings through October due to "great success" [8/18]

Pope makes more "key personnel changes" [8/18]

Great news: Tulsa bishop who has restored the ad orientem position at Masses at his cathedral pens article promoting ad orientem; Admits that Novus Ordo position has had "a number of unforeseen and largely negative effects", including being "a serious rupture with the Church's ancient tradition" and says "it can give the appearance that the priest and the people were engaged in a conversation about God, rather than the worship of God" [8/18]

No more snitching to the government via e-mail: After sparking outrage, the White House has "quietly disabled" the e-mail address for reporting "fishy" healthcare e-mails & websites; Comments are still accepted via online form [8/18]

Two girls on Catholic retreat killed by lightening in Mexico, four others injured [8/18]

AARP loses 60,000 members due to its support of controversial healthcare legislation which may promote rationing and euthanasia; Spokesman writes off protesters saying: "And because we have so many members we'll always have a small percentage that disagree with us so strongly they feel they need to cancel membership" [8/18]

Burlington priest resigns as pastor over poor accounting for church funds [8/18]

Healthcare legislation may fund PP clinics "near or in" public schools; Pro-life site notes that PP "has had a close working relationship with the Obama administration since its beginning" [8/18]
