Wednesday, August 12, 2009

LCWR annual meeting is true to form

Obviously not swayed by the Vatican investigation, the LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious) is featuring a radical pro-abort keynote speaker at its annual assembly in New Orleans. This supposedly 'Catholic' speaker who supports late-term abortion is also notable for her comments criticizing the Church for its teachings against contraception & homosexuality and for saying that Pope Benedict is "really lacking in the theological virtue of charity."

LCWR is "the nation's largest umbrella group for Roman Catholic sisters" whose members are said to represent "about 95 percent of 67,000 sisters in the U.S." The group is notable for liberalism, dissent, radical feminism, anti-clericalism, paganism, New Age practices, witchcraft, and for talk of being "post-Christian" & "moving beyond the Church, even beyond Jesus". They also push "eco-feminism". It is not surprising that of all the pressing concerns in the Church and in the world today, their annual meeting included a prayer service at a park which was "focused on the preservation and renewal of coastal wetlands."

The meeting is also expected to provide them an opportunity to discuss their response to the Vatican investigations. As one participant has said, "This will be an opportunity to be who we are and to speak our truth, not to back away from that, and to understand what our common response will be."

Interesting choice of words - "our truth". Truth - real truth - is universal. As Chesterton once said, "Most mistaken people mean well, and all mistaken people mean something. There is something to be said for every error, but, whatever may be said for it, the most important thing to be said about it is that it is erroneous."
