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Note: The following are from the MyCatholicSource.com News & Opinion Page at
http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cmno/news_and_opinion.htm (or archived at http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cmno/news_and_opinion_archive_2009.htm ). Not all links may be included. Dates in brackets may refer to dates the links were added to the MCS news page. Items herein contain text only. To view news briefs, actual news links (or to view full news stories), click above link for MCS News & Opinion Page (or archive).
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Bishop of Sioux City on healthcare legislation: "No health care reform is better than the wrong sort of health care reform"; Says the Church "will not accept any legislation that mandates coverage, public or private, for abortion, euthanasia, or embryonic stem-cell research"; Says "We refuse to be made complicit in these evils, which frankly contradict what 'health care' should mean"; Advises citizens to make their voices heard [8/19]
After spending millions in legal fees for hundreds of clerical abuse lawsuits, Fairbanks diocese makes national appeal for donations [8/19]
PP president writes editorial against U.S. bishops [8/19]
"Must read" for traditional Catholics: "Bombshell interview" with Maestro Perpetuo of Sistine Chapel [8/19]
Will America be next? "Gender Reassignment Board" in Australia legally recognizes two women as men; Court says "There is no reason to exclude the psyche as one of the relevant factors in determining sex and gender" [8/19]
Pope appears "smiling and relaxed" at weekly general audience; Says St. John Eudes' particular contribution "was the foundation of a religious congregation dedicated to the task of giving solid formation to the diocesan priesthood" [8/19]
Study says homosexuals seek mental health or substance abuse treatment at a rate two times higher than heterosexuals and die, on average, in their early 50's (or 40's if they die of AIDS); Homosexual journalist on their destructive behavior: "If there's a new drug, gay men will find it and take it" [8/19]
Uruguayan archbishop speaks out against homosexual adoption: Says children "cannot be used as instruments by certain groups or persons for demanding rights"; Says "To accept the adoption of children by homosexual couples is to go against human nature itself, and consequently, it is to go against the fundamental rights of the human being as a person" [8/19]
Archbishop Chaput on our duties towards creation: "we have a responsibility toward the created world because we have a higher dignity given to us by the Creator Himself. Human beings bear the unique mark of being created in the image and likeness of God, and we are God’s cooperators in preserving His creation" [8/19]
Ridiculous: Film director critical of selection of Pope Benedict, calls it an "image error"; He thinks Pope should be "theatrical" and "flashy" [8/19]