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Alleged abuse victim outraged by Vatican decision not to defrock priest tries to have priest extradited to Canada to face charges; Priest who has admitted to abuse in the past has been removed from active ministry [8/22]
On same day that the President's approval rating reaches new a low of 45%, the White House Press Secretary says Obama is "quite comfortable” with a one term presidency [8/22]
Italian newspaper reports on propositions of the Congregation for Divine Worship; Proposals may seek a return of the sacred in Novus Ordo Masses by curbing abuse & creativity, increasing the use of Latin, reconsidering use of the ad orientem position, and emphasizing that the normative manner of receiving Holy Communion is on the tongue [8/22]
Filmmakers partially backed by Opus Dei are working on a movie covering the controversial founder of the organization; Screenwriter is "a former nun"; Director who originally refused to do the film changed his mind after seeing video of the organization's founder apparently betraying Jesus by telling a Jewish girl not to convert; Film's backers may be anticipating controversy over portrayal that is "likely to be provocative" [8/22]
Diocese of Charleston presents North Myrtle Beach firefighters with fire suits [8/22]