Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Expect even more deafening silence

Yet again we may expect deafening silence from certain parties with an agenda. This time, the general public may be unlikely to hear about the results of a new six-year study on sexual "reorientation" therapy. The study concludes that "there is evidence that homosexual tendencies can be controlled and redirected toward normal sexual attraction." These results contradict the position of the American Psychological Association that homosexuality is not changeable. The researchers state: "In conclusion, the findings of this study would appear to contradict the commonly expressed view of the mental health establishment that sexual orientation is not changeable and that the attempt to change is highly likely to produce harm for those who make such an attempt."

This is not the first evidence which shows that same-sex attraction disorder is treatable, but the "agenda-driven ideologies" of various groups may be "governed by political interests rather than by scientific data." In other words, they would rather let a person suffer with this condition (including increased potential for depression and drug & alcohol abuse) than violate p.c. standards by telling them that help may be available. Is this not cruel?
