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Archdiocese of Miami to close fourteen parishes; Parishioners resorting to prayer, petitions & protest regarding the closure of more than 10% of the parishes in the archdiocese [8/17]
Health and Human Services Secretary hopes that "end of life counseling" will remain in healthcare legislation; Controversial portion of bill was authored by pro-euthanasia group [8/17]
Telegraph editor attacks article in The Tablet: Says author may be "pig-ignorant of the Magisterium" and says editorials "routinely display a degree of theological illiteracy and ignorance of basic Catholic teaching" [8/17]
Good news: Late-term abortionist who is seeking to open abortion clinic in the area where his friend - a notorious abortionist - was killed faces roadblock [8/17]
LCWR issues statement saying they want more specifics regarding Vatican inquiry [8/17]
Cardinal Arinze gives "homily against liturgical 'idiosyncrasies' and false conceptions of inculturation"; Former Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments encourages Asian bishops to foster Eucharistic adoration & reverence [8/17]
Group releases documentary to refute claims made in Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" [8/17]
Cardinal Hummes on deacons: "Deacons must identify themselves in a very special way with charity. The poor are part of your daily ambiance, and the object of your untiring concern. One could not understand a Deacon who did not personally involve himself in charity and solidarity toward the poor" [8/17]
Gallup Poll says conservatives outnumber liberals in every state in the U.S. while moderates outnumber conservative in 21 states [8/17]