In the wake of recent articles attempting to vilify Pope Benedict in abuse scandals, various parties have come to the Holy Father's defense. For example...
* Damian Thompson speaks of a "hit job" and says "[Cardinal] Ratzinger was part of the solution, not the problem". Mr. Thompson also indicated that he smells something "fishy" about the NY Times story concerning the Wisconsin priest, Fr. Lawrence Murphy. He states: "Murphy? Guilty as hell. Various bishops? Likewise. But the fact that in 1996 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger may have approved the decision not to pursue complex canonical procedures against Murphy on the grounds that the guy was dying anyway doesn’t strike me as much of a smoking gun. I do, however, get the very strong feeling that the Pope’s enemies, including his enemies in the Church, are trying desperately hard to discover serious complicity on his part in a child abuse case. Because that would be just so convenient, wouldn’t it?"
* Archbishop Vincent Nichols said: "What of the role of Pope Benedict? When he was in charge of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith he led important changes made in church law: the inclusion in canon law of internet offences against children, the extension of child abuse offences to include the [abuse] of all under 18, the case by case waiving of the statue of limitation and the establishment of a fast-track dismissal from the clerical state for offenders. He is not an idle observer. His actions speak as well as his words."
* Catholic League president Bill Donohue said: "I am taking advantage of every TV opportunity to set the record straight. The pope is a great man, and the Catholic League is proud to stand by him."