Pope Benedict has met with Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Germany. According to press accounts, the Holy Father "expressed dismay" over the "mounting reports of abuse" but was "very satisfied" with steps taken to address the scandal in that country. The Archbishop also asked abuse victims for forgiveness. In a related story, reports are surfacing that Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) "unwittingly approved housing" for a priest who was accused of abuse in his former diocese in the 1980's. According to one account, Cardinal Ratzinger "let the priest, known only as H, stay at a vicarage in Munich for 'therapy'" but "was not made aware of H's alleged abuse history". Although the diocese admitted it was a mistake to allow the priest to return to pastoral work, it said the decision was not made by Pope Benedict, but was rather made by a lower ranking official who took "full responsibility" for it. The official also indicated that Cardinal Ratzinger did not know of his decision. The priest in question, who was ultimately suspended by the diocese, received an 18-month suspended prison sentence.