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Now available & free of charge on Vatican website: 'Fundamental' Vatican texts, including official Acts of the Holy See from 1865 to 2007 in pdf format [3/25]
New York Times article charges that "Top Vatican officials - including the future Pope Benedict XVI - did not defrock a priest who [abused] as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church"; Article claims that internal correspondence shows that "while church officials tussled over whether the priest should be dismissed, their highest priority was protecting the church from scandal" and says that three successive archbishops in Wisconsin were told of the abuse "but never reported it to criminal or civil authorities" [3/25]
Director of Holy See Press Office gives statement to New York Times concerning Milwaukee abuse case: Statement indicates that the priest involved "violated the law and, more importantly, the sacred trust that his victims had placed in him" and noted that "neither Crimen nor the Code of Canon Law ever prohibited the reporting of child abuse to law enforcement authorities" [3/25]
'Meaningless' executive order purporting to prevent taxpayer funding of abortion is signed by President Obama behind closed doors [3/25]
Vatican Apostolic Library to digitize 80K manuscripts - totaling around 45 million pages - using technology created by NASA; Project is expected to take 10 years [3/25]
Seminary in Haiti to reopen after Easter "with seminarians and staff housed in tents" [3/25]
Some progress: CCHD withdraws support from group which backs homosexual 'marriage' [3/25]
Cardinal Poletto officially presents plans regarding upcoming Shroud exposition [3/25]
Police arrest another priest of 'underground' Catholic Church in China as Vatican commission on Church in China meets in Rome [3/25]