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Vatican opens Twitter accounts [3/22]
Catholic lawmaker stripped of pro-life award after he agrees to deal on healthcare legislation; Pro-lifers say "formerly respected pro-life Democrat" Bart Stupak and others who voted for healthcare bill "can no longer call themselves 'pro-life'" [3/22]
Pro-lifers disappointed after 'last-minute flip-flop' by formerly pro-life Democrats causes abortion-expanding healthcare bill to pass on Sunday; Executive order deal "has been unanimously condemned by pro-life advocates, including the National Right to Life Committee and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops" as "woefully inadequate"; Large abortion provider Planned Parenthood is "grateful" over legislation [3/22]
Abuse allegations in Switzerland make nation the "latest country to be hit by a wave of scandal sweeping Europe" [3/22]
Holy Week ceremonies to be presided over by Pope Benedict [3/22]
Swiss abbot charges that "Church leadership in Rome is not taking the situation [regarding abuse] seriously enough" and says "The Church leadership has to learn to act more quickly" [3/22]
Catholic League comments on U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to hear appeal over ban of 'Ave Maria' at graduation ceremony [3/22]
HLI founder - called "one of the world's greatest pro-life advocates" - dies at age 89 [3/22]