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Catholic Medical Association issues "strong statement" opposing healthcare reform legislation; Says bill will provide "multiple new streams of funding for abortions" and says that the "economically unsustainable" legislation takes "an approach that is flawed in principle and ineffective, if not dangerous, in practice" [3/19]
Good news: South Dakota parish restores ad orientem for all Masses [3/19]
Faithful nuns issue statement opposing Senate healthcare legislation; Message notes that "Recent statements from groups like Network, the Catholic Health Association and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) directly oppose the Catholic Church’s position on critical issues of health care reform" [3/19]
Catholic League "sets the record straight on the status of the Catholic Church's position on the health care bill" [3/19]
Official of the Apostolic Penitentiary reminds that seal of confession is absolute, even if a priest confesses to abuse of minors [3/19]
Bishops tell flock not to be fooled; Message from Denver bishops affirms that "The Senate bill remains gravely flawed...and should be firmly opposed" and says that "Regrettably, groups like Network and the Catholic Health Association have done a grave disservice to the American Catholic community by undermining the leadership of the nation's Catholic bishops, sowing confusion among faithful Catholics, and misleading legislators through their support of the Senate bill" [3/19]
Media wrongly represent dissident nuns' letter supporting healthcare legislation; Letter from several dozen liberal female religious does not "come anywhere near representing 59,000 American sisters" according to the director of media relations for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops [3/19]
Cardinal Egan to celebrate TLM for the Feast of the Annunciation [3/19]
Percentage of Catholics in U.S. who are Hispanic increases from 20% to 32%, but number of Latinos in U.S. who identify themselves as Catholic drops from 66% to 60% [3/19]
Vatican formally announces establishment of international investigative commission on Medjugorje; Commission will be headed by Cardinal Camillo Ruini [3/19]
Pro-lifers say dissident nuns' support of abortion-expanding healthcare legislation is a "critical blow"; Sisters' letter supporting the legislation is called a 'backstab' [3/19]
Pope Benedict made honorary citizen of Romano Canavese [3/19]
Vatican newspaper sides with U.S. bishops over abortion-expanding healthcare bill [3/19]
Pope Benedict's pastoral letter to Irish to be released soon; Holy Father asks faithful "to read it for yourselves, with an open heart and in a spirit of faith"; Says that "My hope is that it will help in the process of repentance, healing and renewal" [3/19]