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Holy See issues note regarding abuse scandals [3/13]
Promoter of justice of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith speaks regarding abuse scandal; Says "Secrecy during the investigative phase served to protect the good name of all the people involved; first and foremost, the victims themselves, then the accused priests who have the right - as everyone does - to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty...Norms on sexual abuse have never been understood as a ban on denouncing the crimes to the civil authorities"; Calls accusation that Pope Benedict was responsible for a cover-up "false and calumnious" [3/13]
Vote expected next week on healthcare bill which includes funding for abortion; Pro-lifers seeking millions of calls to legislators urging a 'no' vote [3/13]
Hindu militants prevented from vandalizing Cathedral of St. Vincent in India [3/13]
Chicago Archdiocese introducing canonization cause for first U.S. priest of African descent [3/13]
Bishops in Span donate "almost 100 chalices, ciboria, patens and numerous liturgical vestments" to Catholic Church in Haiti [3/13]
Catholic Health Association has spent more than $1 million lobbying for healthcare bill; Organization has "consistently argued that the health-care reform package should not include funding for abortion" but it has "continued to press for adoption of a reform package, even the legislation under consideration - including the Senate-approved bill - has included abortion funding"; CHA's lobbying effort is headed by a man who contributed to a pro-abortion candidate's attempt to unseat a pro-lifer [3/13]
Let's hope he's going to seek their conversion: Papal visit to Lutheran 'church' on Sunday will go ahead [3/13]