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Preparations underway at Vatican for weekend ceremonies; Pope Benedict reminds that these holy days "invite us to meditate upon the central events of our Redemption, the essential nucleus of our faith"; Holy Father encourages the faithful to "experience this period intensely, that it may decisively guide everyone's life to a generous and strong adherence to Christ, Who died and rose again for us" [3/31]
82 year old Catholic billionaire gives most of his fortune to charity in fulfillment of decades-old promise to God [3/31]
Pro-lifers remember Terri Schiavo five years after her court mandated death by starvation & dehydration; Fr. Pavone notes that her death "was not 'peaceful' and 'beautiful' as euthanasia advocates want us to think" and warns that "as health care is placed more and more in the hands of the government, we have to be more vigilant than ever to protect the Terris of today and tomorrow" [3/31]
Well-known exorcist Fr. Amorth says there is "no doubt" that recent media attacks were "prompted by the devil" [3/31]
Cardinal Levada on recent NY Times coverage: "Both the article and the editorial are deficient by any reasonable standards of fairness that Americans have every right and expectation to find in their major media reporting" [3/31]
USCCB statement says abuse by clergy "saddens and angers the church and causes us shame"; Statement also says the U.S. bishops will "continue to intensify our efforts to provide safe environments for children in our parishes and schools" and indicates that Pope Benedict has "strengthened the church's response to [abuse] victims" [3/31]
Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki says mistakes in Fr. Murphy case were made in Milwaukee, not in Rome; Says "This crime, this sin, this horror, should never occur, especially by a priest. Those who committed these crimes and those, including some bishops, who didn’t do everything in their power to stop it, go against everything the Church and the priesthood represent. For those actions, I offer my sincere apology" [3/31]