In yet another proof of the biblical teaching that...
"A colt untamed turns out stubborn; a son left to himself grows up unruly. Pamper your child and he will be a terror for you, indulge him and he will bring you grief. Share not in his frivolity lest you share in his sorrow, when finally your teeth are clenched in remorse. Give him not his own way in his youth, and close not your eyes to his follies." (Sirach 30:8-11)
...a new study has revealed that children of "indulgent" parents may be three times more likely to drink "heavily". Children of non-indulgent parents who also scored high on parental "warmth" were found to be the "least prone" to drink heavily (note that non-indulgent parents who scored low on parental "warmth" were found to have a doubled risk of heavy drinking). The study indicates that parents can have a "significant effect" on their children's participation in this dangerous activity.