Thursday, June 24, 2010

Recent News Highlights

Some recent news highlights...

* It is being predicted that Bishop Kurt Koch will soon be named to replace the ever-ecumenical Cardinal Kasper as President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

* Although final details have not been announced, the beatification plans for Cardinal Newman have reportedly been "scaled back" and will occur at Cofton Park in Birmingham

* Reports indicate that the University of Regensburg will create a new professorship named after Pope Benedict XVI. Amazingly, at least one report indicates that a future professor may be "of Orthodox or Protestant background"

* A new Australian study says that (so-called) 'second marriages' are over 90% more likely to break up than 'first marriages' [Reminder: A valid marriage is for life. Jesus says that "Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and the one who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery." (Lk. 16:18) Obviously, therefore, civil 'divorces' have no real effect on the marriage bond since one could not be committing adultery unless one was STILL married. For more on divorce / 'remarriage', try here]

* A representative of Catholic Charities has expressed concern that the oil spill could end up being "worse than hurricanes." Besides financial difficulties, concerns for the future include high levels of anxiety, expanded unemployment, increased mental health problems, and dangers of physical harm resulting from the spill. Even church collections may suffer due to the disaster

* One of the ND88 has suffered a heart attack and reportedly continues to suffer from "post-traumatic stress" related to her arrest over a peaceful pro-life demonstration on the 'Catholic' university campus. The ND88 still face fines & jail time for 'trespassing' as the university's president, Fr. Jenkins, refuses to seek leniency. The heart attack victim, a devotee of the Blessed Virgin, joined the protest thinking "we would get a fine and a ticket." She said she "never expected to be so persecuted for standing for Catholic beliefs on a Catholic campus by my fellow Catholics."
