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Pope Benedict meets with Director-General of the Legionaries [6/17]
Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet predicted to head Congregation for Bishops [6/17]
Some good news: Louisiana state legislature reportedly votes unanimously in favor of bill requiring an ultrasound for women seeking abortion [6/17]
Pope Benedict to visit earthquake scourged area of Italy, venerate relics of Pope St. Celestine V [6/17]
Cardinal George criticizes CHA & Sr. Keehan over role in passage of abortion-expanding healthcare bill; USCCB president also confirms that the Executive Order is "meaningless" and notes that "Sr. Carol is mistaken in thinking that this is pro-life legislation"; Cardinal also says CHA "and other co-called Catholic groups" have "weakened the moral voice of the bishops in the U.S." [6/17]
Caritas is seeking international aid for food crisis in West Africa; Representative says "It's not too late to avert a tragedy" [6/17]
Mexican cardinal laments diminished sense of sin; Says "For many today, nothing is evil, nothing is immoral and it seems like we’ve even erased the word sin from our dictionaries"; Warns that "We are in trouble, and so is society, when we block out that red light, losing the sense of guilt...and sometimes even using defense mechanisms to portray us as progressive or open-minded" [6/17]
Your tax dollars at work: GAO report shows that over $1 billion was given to abortion advocacy organizations between 2002 - 2009; Pro-lifers say this is a "low-ball estimate" [6/17]