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Italian police "unintentionally" record Pope Benedict's phone calls without his knowledge while investigating an Italian official [6/12]
No big surprise: Offspring resulting from sp*rm donation "struggle with questions of identity as a result of not knowing their biological father"; Study finds that "young adults who were conceived through sp*rm donation exhibit higher rates of confusion, isolation, depression, delinquency and substance abuse than those who were raised by their biological parents" [6/12]
Here we go again: Bishops call for "immigration reform", including not imposing criminal penalties on illegal immigrants & not deporting illegals [6/12]
California court orders public release of Cardinal Mahony's & other archdiocesan officials' depositions [6/12]
Study says the Holy Father "has been made the face" of the abuse scandals; Pope Benedict was recently "featured in 51.6% of the stories about the scandal in the mainstream media", whereas Pope John Paul II was previously mentioned "in only 15.5% of stories about abuse" [6/12]
"Stunning and symbolic about-face"? Holy Father did not proclaim St. John Vianney as patron saint of all priests at close of Year for Priests, despite earlier Vatican announcements [6/12]
German bishop says SSPX ordinations would be a "provocation", that could cause a "setback" [6/12]
President of Pontifical Council for Social Communications visits EWTN, presents Mother Angelica with a rosary from Pope Benedict [6/12]