If only pro-abortion 'Catholic' Nancy Pelosi would heed (some of!) her own words. For example, the House Speaker should take to heart her own comment that public policy should be "in keeping with the values of the Word", as she recently said it should be. And again, Pelosi should heed her own words when she spoke recently of a "moral responsibility" to preserve "God’s beautiful creation" - unless, of course she doesn't include babies as part of "God’s beautiful creation." A short time ago, the self-proclaimed 'Catholic' Pelosi - a supporter of homosexual 'marriage' & partial birth abortion - also stated that the Word (Jesus, the Word made flesh) is her "favorite" word and reminded that "He will come again. He will come again. So, we have to make sure we’re prepared to answer in this life, or otherwise, as to how we have measured up." Maybe she should listen to herself sometimes.