Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Important Pro-Life News

Recent news items affecting the pro-life community include the following...

* A Texas judge has refused to issue a "gag order" against the former Planned Parenthood clinic director turned pro-lifer. PP wanted to silence the former employee who quit after watching an abortion via an ultrasound.

* The Fort Hood shooter whose victims included a pregnant woman may face murder charges for the killing of her unborn child.

* The man charged with first-degree murder of a late-term abortionist admits to the killing but says "I don't like the accusation of murder whatsoever, because when you protect innocent life, that's not murder." While maintaining his plea of not guilty, he is apparently hopeful for a "fictional defense of necessity" since he says he was defending preborn children's lives. Pro-lifers have strongly condemned his reasoning.*

[* Reminder: We condemn abortion-related violence. Do not inflict violence on those who procure, advise, support, or participate in abortion.]
