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Leader of Catholic Church in Ireland apologizes for abuse: "I am deeply sorry and I am ashamed" [11/27]
"Shocking" Irish abuse report released: Bishop of Dublin calls failure to respond "very regrettable" [11/27]
Investigators "scrutinizing millions of euros worth of Vatican bank transactions to see if they violated money laundering regulations" [11/27]
In response to parishioner's concern regarding restrictions due to swine flu, Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments acknowledges right of the faithful to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, noting that Redemptionis Sacramentum "clearly stipulates that 'each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue'" [11/27]
Holy Father welcomes Visitationist nuns who will live in Vatican's cloistered convent for five years [11/27] [Note: Zenit has reported a correction to the above which states that the nuns should be referred to as Visitandines rather than Visitationists (11/30)]
No surprise here: President Obama's Thanksgiving proclamation omitted pro-life words [11/27]
That should tell them all they need to know: Rebellious U.S. women religious refusing to answer questions related to Vatican's investigation [11/27]
Fifth bishop didn't take up CCHD collection [11/27]