Monday, November 29, 2010

Recent News Highlights

Some recent news highlights...
* Copper thieves have left a "pretty big mess" at a Bluefield (WV) parish - removing water lines & fittings, and even tearing down ceiling tiles to get to copper pipes. Although an estimate was not immediately available, the damage was described as "extensive"
* A "new big-budget TV series" covering the life of "one of the most infamous of all pontiffs", Pope Alexander VI, is being filmed in Vancouver and is expected to air next year in the U.S. and Canada
* According to a Reuters report, the Salesians have admitted to paying 'hush money' to a Dutch abuse victim who has broken his silence, allegedly 'to obtain more money' from the order. The victim was allegedly abused repeatedly by seven priests, including a priest who would later become a bishop. The order reportedly "wants to look at the facts" concerning the allegations, some of which it considers unproven
* The director of the Scottish Catholic Media Office has lamented anti-Catholicism in Scotland, referring to a "deep, wide and vicious anti Catholic hostility" and an "intolerance" of Catholics. He also reported being "disturbed by the fact that in a country where over 99% of Catholic clergy are demonstrably innocent of any offence they can be so frequently subjected to hate fuelled opprobrium" and noted that "anti-Catholic bigotry has existed in Scotland for a very long time", even before abuse allegations had come to light
* In a recent CNA interview, the German journalist who interviewed Pope Benedict for a new book stated that "the idea that Joseph Ratzinger is a Pope who is conservative, harsh, too strict, a man who likes power" is a "misunderstanding" (he also said he considers Pope Benedict to be "a very modern man"). The journalist - who was quite complimentary regarding the Pope during the interview - responded that "I should say that we do not have a friendship" when asked if he considered himself a friend of the Holy Father. [Note: In full context, he seems to mean that his relationship with Pope Benedict is not on the level of a personal friendship, but is more along the lines of a business relationship]