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'Catholics are not required to agree with Pope Benedict XVI's interview comments', although they owe the Pope respect, according to Archbishop Fisichella; Interview 'does not represent the formal exercise of the Pope's teaching authority' [11/23]
Cardinal Velasio De Paolis makes changes to Legionaries' governance, personnel [11/23]
Cardinal Burke on Pope's controversial remarks: "I don’t see any change in the Church’s teaching. What he’s commenting on - in fact, he makes the statement very clearly that the Church does not regard the use of c*nd*ms as a real or a moral solution...He’s simply making the comment that a person who is given to prostitution, at least considers using a c*nd*m to prevent giving the disease to another person - even though the effectiveness of this is very questionable - this could be a sign of someone who is having a certain moral awakening. But in no way does it mean that prostitution is morally acceptable, nor does it mean that the use of c*nd*ms is morally acceptable" [Refresher: Catholic teachings on contraception] [11/23]
Sheriff's office seeking information in connection with vandalism at Mother Cabrini shrine in Colorado [11/23]
Former priest accused of abuse now charged with trying to hire hit man to kill alleged victim [11/23]
After international outcry, Pakistani Catholic mother sentenced to death for 'blaspheming Mohammed' is set free; Woman remains in hiding 'out of fear for her safety' [11/23]
Long awaited clarification document on Summorum Pontificum may be published before Christmas [11/23]