Some recent news highlights...
* A Catholic high school in Des Moines was recently evacuated due to a bomb threat. Although notes were found at the school concerning the presence of a bomb, authorities reportedly found 'nothing unusual' and consider the incident to be a 'prank'
* The spokesman for Belgium's archbishop recently resigned after the prelate made some controversial comments. The former spokesperson claimed the archbishop behaved at times like a "loose cannon"
* A BBC report indicates that "At least two Roman Catholic priests have gone missing in Sri Lanka in the past four years." According to the article, one priest vanished in 2006, the other disappeared in 2009. The latter was last seen at a military checkpoint where he was taken for "special questioning"
* Pray the funds are used properly this time: The CCHD collection is set to take place throughout the U.S. on November 20-21
* An AP report indicates that a chapel in Mexico bears a plaque thanking "the leader of one of Mexico's most violent drug cartels", the donor who built the chapel. According to the article, "The revelation has the church distancing itself from the property in central Mexico, while admitting it knows of other donations from drug traffickers"
* So what will be in the tabernacle? Anglicans who enter the Catholic Church under the provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus reportedly may share churches with those who refuse to cast off the heretical Anglican faith - even though Anglican orders are invalid and the Anglican 'eucharist' is mere bread. Anglicans apparently also permit the churches (originally built by Catholics) to be used by assorted Protestant denominations for 'worship' [Commentary: What faithful Catholic cannot see here the great risk of idolatry (Catholics worshiping Protestants' mere bread) and sacrilege (e.g. non-Catholics' mistreatment of the true Eucharist), not to mention the inherent scandal of Catholics using an altar/church also used for heretical 'worship'?]