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Abortion advocates lose control of the U.S. House of Representatives in historic election; Election results a 'huge boost' for pro-life movement [11/3]
Pope Benedict asks for prayers for his weekend trip to Spain [11/3]
Presumed new Speaker of the House - a Catholic from a large family - is a "consistent pro-life advocate with a 100% pro-life voting record" [11/3]
Jewish man recounts how his father was saved by Pope Pius XII by being hidden in the Vatican [11/3]
Weeks before the attack in Baghdad, Archbishop Athanase Matti Shaba Matoka 'sounded the alarm', asking "Is it true what is said that there is a plan to empty the Middle East of Christians and that Iraq is one of the victims?" [11/3]
CL says U.S. Catholics decided the election [11/3]
New movie based on California exorcist to be released in 2011; Film "departs from the facts in some respects" [11/3]