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Pope Benedict summons Irish bishops to Vatican this February to address abuse scandal [1/20]
Pro-lifers applaud Massachusetts' election impact on healthcare legislation; Even though senator-elect is not pro-life, advocates say vote is still "tremendously helpful" since the newly elected senator opposes the pro-abortion healthcare bill [1/20]
69 year-old woman is freed from the wreckage of the Catholic Cathedral in Port-au-Prince one day before a new 6.1 tremor strikes Haiti [1/20]
Bishop of Honolulu urges Catholics to voice opposition to homosexual 'civil union' proposal; Says "In many places throughout our country and the world, and now here in Hawaii, some are attempting to distort this natural relationship by claiming the right of persons of the same sex to marry. They point out that it is discriminatory to allow opposite-sex couples to marry but to disallow the same for same-sex couples. And they are correct! It is discriminatory, making distinctions between one and another. But not all discrimination is unjust. Some is quite justified because it is based on reality and truth. While every person, no matter his or her sexual orientation, is worthy of dignity and respect and has certain inalienable rights given by the Creator, there is no right for people of the same sex to call their unions marriage. ('Civil unions' is simply a euphemism for same-sex marriage.)" [1/20]
SSPX's Williamson says position of Vatican and position of the SSPX are "absolutely irreconcilable"; Claims that "Either the SSPX becomes a traitor or Rome converts or it’s a dialogue of the deaf" [1/20]
Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Mexico City warns of danger of homosexual adoption; Says "No matter how good the intentions of homosexual ‘parents’ might be, their mere lifestyle will impact children greatly"; Concludes that "Growing up in a homosexual environment cannot be good for a child. The testimonies of those who have experienced the trauma of being raised by homosexuals are proof" [1/20]