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U.S. bishops launch massive '11th hour effort' to keep abortion out of healthcare legislation [1/12]
'Global warming' alarmists won't give up despite possible upcoming three decade long 'mini ice age': Proponent claims the "lengthy cold weather is merely a pause - a 30-years-long blip - in the larger cycle of global warming" [1/12]
Priest, Catholic journalist attacked by Vietnamese police [1/12]
Catholic League says Justice Department nominee "wants to punish the Church"; Says nominee "is not the first anti-Catholic chosen by Obama, but she is by far the most extreme and most dangerous" [1/12]
Cardinal Razafindratandra dies at age 84 [1/12]
Archbishop of Manila condemns "excessively emotional displays" which occurred during an annual procession [1/12]
L’Osservatore Romano publishes Pope Benedict's 2011 prayer intentions, one year in advance [1/12]
Unbelievable: Ignoring the negative judgments, lies, disobedience, questionable messages & bad fruits, Cardinal Schönborn compares alleged apparitions at Medjugorje to Lourdes [Related Resource: Marian Apparitions at Medjugorje: True or False?] [1/12]