Thursday, August 5, 2010

'Fr. Z's grief'

Regarding a Wisconsin priest's lament that as a result of the upcoming more accurate (Novus Ordo) Mass translations "Much of the music that has come up over the last 30 years will no longer be useable," 'Fr. Z.' responds as follows on his 'wdtprs' blog...
"Picture me in my grief. Is there a better reason than this single point for the implementation of the new translation?"
[Commentary: While there are quite a few good reasons, this is certainly one great reason!]
Perhaps amusingly, but certainly not surprisingly, the original article containing the above referenced lament likewise makes reference to "controversial changes ahead in the Catholic liturgy" and a fear that the "unwieldy and unnecessary" changes "could further alienate the faithful." [Once again, where was that concern 40 years ago?]