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Number of Catholic weddings in Archdiocese of Boston has declined by more than 55% in past decade [8/16]
Pope Benedict reminds that although the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed into heaven, she "has not abandoned her mission of intercession and salvation" [8/16]
Diocesan building in Mobile, Alabama damaged by storm [8/16]
Disobedient priest in Cleveland starts breakaway 'community' in leased commercial building; Hundreds of misguided laity follow [Refresher from St. Ignatius of Antioch, hearer of the Apostle St. John (c. 110 A.D.), on obedience to bishops who are in communion with the Pope: "And do ye also reverence your bishop as Christ Himself, according as the blessed apostles have enjoined you (cf. Lk. 10:16, Rom. 13:2). He that is within the altar is pure, wherefore also he is obedient to the bishop and presbyters: but he that is without is one that does anything apart from the bishop, the presbyters, and the deacons. Such a person is defiled in his conscience, and is worse than an infidel."] [8/16]
Archbishop Chaput on movie violence [8/16]
USCCB delegation preparing report on Haiti; Archbishop Wenski says "efforts to clean up and recover from the earthquake are progressing slowly" [8/16]