Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Catholic News Headlines / Links [8-25-10]

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Note: The following are from the News & Opinion Page at (or archived at ). Not all links may be included. Dates in brackets may refer to dates the links were added to the MCS news page. Items herein contain text only. To view news briefs, actual news links (or to view full news stories), click above link for MCS News & Opinion Page (or archive).

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Pope Benedict says not to fear the truth, notes the importance of saints as "travel companions" during our earthly pilgrimage [8/25]

Cardinal accuses Mexican Supreme Court of "treason against Mexico, the family, and the natural law" for approving abortion and homosexual 'marriage' & adoption [8/25]

Body stolen, mausoleums vandalized at Catholic cemetery in Long Island [8/25]

Mexican Cardinal encourages faithful to defend life and the family against sinful fads; Says "The world says something different, the fads being proposed at this time are all over the place, free love, fast-track divorce, contraception, abortion and similar things - all of which are against the law of the Lord, constituting the wide road that leads to perdition" [8/25]

Angry mob in Indonesia forcibly removes priest from parish [8/25]

Archbishop Dolan 'worried' about tone of mosque debate, says he doesn't have "strong feelings" on where the mosque should be [8/25]

Employees of "America's oldest Catholic university" instrumental in founding dissenting organization [8/25]

SSPX leader denies knowledge of rumored motu proprio & denies that doctrinal talks have "run into a brick wall"; Says "For the time being, everything is fine and everything is going smoothly according to plan" [8/25]

'Militant Islam vs. the West': Article hopes readers will "consider the implications of the likely large future role of Islamism in their lives" and says that "Most Westerners do not realize Islam is not only a religious belief system, but also one that demands all-encompassing Islamic government and laws and, in some Islamic societies, harsh enforcement of the rules for daily living and thought" [8/25]

Orthodox leader "sees no obstacles" to meeting between Pope Benedict and head of Russian Orthodox Church, says "time is ripe for a meeting" [8/25]
