Monday, October 12, 2009

Moral Outrage (at least on some fronts)

In another blow to pro-lifers, the U.S. bishops have congratulated President Obama - "the most pro-abortion president in history" - on receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, stating that...

"In our own country, the remarkable and historic achievement of his election has changed the relationships between men and women of all races. The rich diversity of United States society is now more surely anchored in a national unity that is better able to foster the peace we all are challenged to pursue."

So because a (half) black man has been elected president we are now "more surely anchored in a national unity that is better able to foster the peace we all are challenged to pursue" - even though this man champions s*domy & the killing of the unborn? Even though he has increased international abortions and keeps pushing for more increases in abortion? Even though he rejects marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman? Even though he wants c*ntraceptives handed out to children in government-run schools?

Previously, news of the award was "greeted with appreciation at the Vatican in light of the president's demonstrated commitment to promoting peace on an international level and, in particular, in recently promoting nuclear disarmament", a reaction that caused "shock and dismay" to pro-lifers. As one anonymous pro-life leader told the website, "If Obama was good on international peace and nuclear disarmament but favored the killing of Jews, its not likely he would get either the Noble Peace Prize or be praised by the Vatican."

Passed over for the Nobel Peace Prize were true champions of peace with tangible accomplishments who are not - as ALL's Judie Brown notes regarding Obama - "dedicated to war in the womb". Besides, as faithful Catholics might ask, how can Obama be given any award for peace - no matter what accomplishments he might have achieved - in light of the fact that he is an unrepentant & ardent promoter of the murder of the unborn? What peace can there be when the weakest among us can be killed with impunity? Had Hitler ever made any true advancements in the name of peace - much less simple 'hopes' - could everyone look the other way regarding his barbaric slaughter of Jewish people because of these efforts (or hopes)? How can we look the other way when an even greater number of children have been killed by their own mothers through abortion? And Obama isn't against these murders, but has done much to foster and expand the killing - even using your tax dollars to do so.

Fortunately the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, was at least partially critical of the award (a 'happy surprise' given some of their recent controversial articles), stating that "Analysts have almost unanimously interpreted his selection as a way of pressuring Obama to make pacifist choices as his administration continues forward." The paper also said that Obama should "recall that in 1979 he was preceded by Mother Teresa, who had the courage to state in her acceptance speech that the harshest war with the greatest number of 'fallen' is the practice of abortion, legalized and facilitated as well by the international structures" and noted "that the selection process has become mired in being politically correct."

Unfortunately though, the paper concluded that "at the same time, as the director of the Holy See’s Press Office has stated, we cannot help but rejoice at the recognition of President Obama’s efforts at nuclear disarmament and his personal disposition towards a policy that seeks peace more than the affirmation of U.S. power in the world." Once again, it seems fair to ask if Hitler made efforts at nuclear disarmament (or simply hoped to), could everyone look the other way regarding his barbaric slaughter of Jewish people because of these efforts (or hopes) and not help but "rejoice"? Do you think they would still "rejoice" if their own parents were among those killed by him simply because he supported nuclear disarmament? What if he supported nuclear disarmament even at the very same time that he supported killing more members of their own families? Think they'd still be rejoicing? Think they couldn't "help but rejoice"? Maybe they'd give him a peace prize themselves? Would they then also consider giving Ted Bundy or Charles Manson a peace prize for some perceived good they accomplished (or hoped to achieve) in light of the murders they were also responsible for? Even if these two serial killers were big supporters of nuclear disarmament, it's extremely doubtful anyone would consider giving either of them an award for peace. But unborn babies are every bit as victimized by abortion as these killers' victims were - even more so if you consider that these infants probably never had an opportunity for baptism - so why give an award for peace to someone who supports their killing?

How is it the Vatican, the bishops, and the Vatican newspaper "cannot help but rejoice" at the news of the Peace Prize being given to a radical abortion promoter? Numerous faithful Catholics are morally outraged and want to know why their leaders are expressing "appreciation" and "rejoicing" instead of joining them in expressing moral outrage. Why waste this great teachable moment? Why not tell the world there will be no peace while society tolerates the murder of babies in the womb? Why not remind the world that true peace is not possible when we do not obey Christ? How can they feel "appreciative" and "rejoice" at the thought that this man would fight for the 'right' to kill them as well as their loved ones - and anyone else for that matter - while they were in the womb? Let's also not forget that this same 'peaceful' man voted against giving medical care to babies born alive after an 'unsuccessful' abortion. Still rejoicing?

What about the recent comments of the self-professed 'champion' of s*domites that echo his previous statements & actions. Do they still feel "appreciative" and "rejoice" at the award in light of the following recent remarks of Obama's?...

* Obama has pledged to be with the homosexuals in their "fight" (sound peaceful?), saying that "we will have moved closer to that day when no one has to be afraid to be gay in America. When no one has to fear walking down the street holding the hand of the person they love."

* Obama claims that those who oppose homosexual 'marriage' are holding "outworn arguments and old attitudes"

* Obama claims that defenders of traditional marriage "would enshrine discrimination into our Constitution" and claims that they are pushing "divisive and deceptive efforts to feed people’s lingering fears for political and ideological gain"

* Obama stated that his administration will work to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. He is also trying to get the Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations Act passed as well as moving ahead with plans to end the military's "don't ask, don't tell policy"

* Obama told a homosexual advocacy group that they "will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman" (emphasis added)

Still rejoicing? Still think the man promotes peace? Does it bother you that he is spending your hard-earned tax dollars on new federal benefits for 'LGBT families', not to mention increased funding for abortion? Doesn’t it make you sick to think that he and his wife purposely invited "LGBT families to the White House to participate in events like the Easter Egg Roll, because we want to send a message"? Doesn't it offend you that he's doing all he can to push sinful, abhorrent homosexual unions as well as the murder of the unborn? How can a man so committed to half of only four sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance [namely: (1) willful murder (abortion), and (2) sodomy] be given an award for peace? And how can our Catholic leaders be "appreciative" of and "rejoicing" at the news? Enough rejoicing already - this is a time for lamination!

"'Peace, peace!' they say, though there is no peace. They are odious; they have done abominable things, yet they are not at all ashamed, they know not how to blush. Hence they shall be among those who fall; in their time of punishment they shall go down, says the LORD." (Jer. 6:14-15)

"We remember saying long as individuals and states refused to submit to the rule of Our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations." (Pope Pius XI)

[Related: The End of Freedom in America?]
