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Great news: 'Chief Justice of the Catholic Supreme Court' Archbishop Raymond Burke named to Congregation for Bishops [10/17]
Diocesan spokesman responds to abuse group's comments: "The Catholic Church has taken more steps to prevent s*x abuse of children than any other private organization out there" [10/17]
Killing for organs: First they created 'brain death' to harvest organs from the living, now they want to remove organs from those they consider to be in a 'persistent vegetative state'; Ignoring the Fifth Commandment, one article argues that "the legal details of declaring death in someone who will never again be the person he or she was should be weighed against the value of giving a full and healthy life to someone who will die without transplant" [Note: Click here for free flier & anti-organ donation wallet card: 'Organ Donation: Act of Charity or License to Kill?] [10/17]
Teachers' union votes to strike at three South Jersey Catholic high schools [10/17]