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Note: The following are from the MyCatholicSource.com News & Opinion Page at
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Elderly Irish missionary priest with a heart condition is abducted in the Philippines; Muslim terrorist group suspected [10/12]
Pope Benedict canonizes five saints [10/12]
Good news: Controversial liberal bishop cancels speaking engagement in Michigan at request of local bishop [10/12]
Catholic Relief Services says more than 6 million people are affected by recent typhoons [10/12]
Group of scientists gather at Capital Hill to present evidence that climate change is caused by nature, not man & that atmospheric CO2 is beneficial [10/12]
Pro-lifers praise New York Times for showing pictures of abortion victims & hope the story will help "awaken hearts and minds" [10/12]
Former Canadian bishop facing charges of child p*rn*graphy was "betrayed by his evasive responses to Canadian border agents, his tone of voice and his eye movements" according to a court document [10/12]
Faith in action: TX priest who was kicked, beaten, and repeatedly stabbed forgives attacker; Injured priest who is not angry at attacker says the incident has strengthened his vocation and loyalty to God [10/12]
"One of most vocation-rich dioceses in the nation", the Diocese of Peoria, suspends Masses at four parishes and a mission due to priest shortages [10/12]