More recent news highlights...
* Thanks in part to new healthcare legislation, three Catholic hospitals in Pennsylvania are now on the market. The legislation will reportedly "make it difficult" for the Catholic hospitals to stay in business
* A Motu Proprio regarding the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization is expected to be released on Tuesday, October 12
* An upcoming book by a German journalist who interviewed Pope Benedict will reportedly contain some 'surprises'
* Some Catholics & Orthodox are once again suggesting a 'common date' for celebrating Easter in an effort for unity with the schismatic Orthodox
* Bad for body & soul? A woman has sued the Hartford Diocese over injures after falling backwards ("resting in the spirit") at a "Catholic Charismatic Revival healing service"
* Good news: A new papal coat of arms bearing the 'triple tiara' was displayed on Sunday at the Vatican
* A Catholic organization in Germany has launched a campaign for a 'Santa-free zone'
* The Synod of Bishops for the Middle East has opened
* Yet another survey has highlighted misguided views of 'Catholics' concerning homosexual "marriage" (sadly, results indicate that more 'Catholics' favor homosexual "marriage" than oppose it) [Related: Catholic teachings on homosexuality (Topic Page)]
* The Holy Father spoke to Catholic journalists at the World Press Congress and emphasized the importance of truth and helping "contemporary man to orient himself to Christ, only Savior, and to keep burning the flame of hope in the world, to live worthily our today and to build the future appropriately"