A couple days ago, it was reported here that the self-professed "champion", "friend", and "ally" in the White House who previously assured homosexuals that he will "fight" for them recorded a 'pro-gay video message for youth'. Other recent news accounts indicate that...
* President Obama called himself a "stalwart ally of the LGBT community" and proudly boasted that he has "appointed more openly gay people to more positions in this government than any president in history"
* He apparently has a strategy for ending the military's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy during the lame-duck session, despite critics' concerns regarding negative effects on military readiness and threats to religious freedom
* The self-professed 'Christian' president hinted that his position against homosexual 'marriage' may have "evolved" to support this perversion of true marriage
One may fear their 'champion' is picking up the pace in his 'fight'.