Some more recent news highlights...
* The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph has acquired the historic New York Life building in Kansas City. The building will become the diocese's new headquarters
* Good news: The Archdiocese of Portland has rescinded a CCHD grant to a newspaper which refused to remove a PP reference. Unfortunately, however, a diocesan official complained about "one or two people" in the diocese "who spend their time looking for organizations on our grant lists that have connections to anything contrary to Catholic teaching, specifically abortion" [Commentary: So faithful Catholics are the problem here rather than the diocese which funds organizations that support murdering unborn children?]
* The city of Canton, Ohio will reportedly name a street in honor of Mother Angelica, founder of the Catholic television network EWTN
* Not good: Church officials in the Philippines are apparently distancing themselves from earlier reports that the supposedly 'devout' Catholic president of the Philippines who supports government handouts of contraceptives to poor persons may face excommunication [Related: Catholic teachings on contraception (Topic Page)]