Monday, May 3, 2010

More News Highlights

Some more recent news highlights...

* A group of 'traditionalist' Anglican 'bishops'* have reportedly met at the Vatican and are prepared to convert under the terms of Anglicanorum Coetibus, bringing numerous 'clergy'* & followers with them (described as "an exodus", conversion "en masse") [* Reminder: Anglican 'clergy' are not true priests or bishops - their orders have been ruled invalid by the Church: "Wherefore, strictly adhering, in this matter, to the decrees of the pontiffs, our predecessors, and confirming them most fully, and, as it were, renewing them by our authority, of our own initiative and certain knowledge, we pronounce and declare that ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been, and are, absolutely null and utterly void." (Pope Leo XIII, "Apostolicae Curae", 1896 A.D., emphasis added)]

* In another obvious demonstration of media bias, an AP article covering the Pope's visit to the Shroud bears the headline "Pope takes break from scandal, visits Turin Shroud"

* Michael Schiavo is reportedly considering suing over the use of Terri Schiavo's name by a foundation that presently assists disabled persons in need of medical care. He apparently believes he has legal "rights" to her name. [Commentary: Maybe he'd prefer this name...?: "Foundation to prevent adulterous husbands from killing their disabled wives through painful starvation & dehydration after their wives' money runs out"]

* This past weekend, the soon-to-be outgoing head of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Cardinal Roger Mahony, attended an 'immigration rights' protest and thanked Arizona for the momentum. The notoriously liberal Cardinal Mahony, a known sympathizer for law-breaking immigrants, recently compared Arizona's new law allowing police to check the status of those suspected of being in the country illegally to Nazi Germany. [Commentary: Given instances of liturgical abuse in the L.A. diocese, could one be forgiven for suspecting the Cardinal has about as much respect for 'liturgical law' as he apparently does for civil law?] [Related: Civics 101: Breaking the law is not okay]
