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Vatican analyst charges that Cardinal Schönborn "has been at the head of a Church so off-kilter as the Austrian Church [and] he has shown himself more attentive to the pressure of public opinion than to his leadership duties" [5/28]
The nation's "most prominent Hispanic prelate" & new coadjutor archbishop of Los Angeles reminds immigrants "of their duties under Catholic social teaching. Chief among these duties is the obligation to respect the laws of their new country"; Archbishop Gomez says that "Those who violate our laws have to be punished", yet he is of the opinion that deportation is "too severe a penalty"; The Mexican-born prelate also wants a moratorium on immigration legislation, (offensively!) asserting that "racial prejudice is a driving factor behind a lot of our political conversation about immigration" and claims that "many" new laws on immigration "are harsh and punitive" (imagine: punitive!) - although he admits that the "millions" of immigrants here "in blatant violation" of U.S. law "should" make law-abiding Americans "angry" [5/28]
President of Italian episcopal conference laments Italy's "slow demographic suicide" [5/28]
Canadian Cardinal who received death wish over his anti-abortion remarks is "astounded" by the uproar [5/28]
Homosexuality more common among children raised in broken families [5/28]
Cardinal Ouellet of Quebec affirms that abortion is "considered a crime, a moral crime and a legal crime, too, and the Church is asking the states to penalize the practice of abortion" [5/28]