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Archbishop Nichols may sue London Times for defamation [4/15]
Cardinals in Rome to gather on Monday to mark Pope Benedict's fifth anniversary [4/15]
"In a remarkable display of journalistic ignorance of Catholic teaching", AP implies Catholics weren't taught to obey civil law until 1965 [4/15]
Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy calls priests to Rome in June for the conclusion of the Year for Priests [4/15]
Holy Father speaks of need to do penance, says supposed freedom from everything - including freedom from the duty of obedience to God - "Is a lie" [4/15]
Good news: Hungarian bishop celebrates TLM [4/15]
Pope Benedict speaks on the priesthood and the priest's role as teacher; Holy Father reminds that the priest "never acts in the name of someone who is absent, but in the very Person of the Risen Christ" [4/15]