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Note: The following are from the MyCatholicSource.com News & Opinion Page at
http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cmno/news_and_opinion.htm (or archived at
http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cmno/news_and_opinion_archive.htm ). Not all links may be included. Dates in brackets may refer to dates the links were added to the MCS news page. Items herein contain text only. To view news briefs, actual news links (or to view full news stories), click above link for MCS News & Opinion Page (or archive).
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Vatican Information Service creates new blog [Note: We have added this URL to our news links page] [4/12]
Archbishop Burke says consecrated religious who openly dissent from the authority of Rome and the Church's teaching on life are "an absurdity of the most tragic kind" and should cease identifying themselves as Catholic [4/12]
Vatican publishes CDF guidelines for handling abuse cases; Guidelines state that "Civil law concerning reporting of crimes to the appropriate authorities should always be followed" and reminds that "the local bishop always retains power to protect children by restricting the activities of any priest in his diocese. This is part of his ordinary authority, which he is encouraged to exercise to whatever extent is necessary to assure that children do not come to harm, and this power can be exercised at the bishop's discretion before, during and after any canonical proceeding" [4/12]
Group of European statisticians agrees: C-14 dating of Shroud of Turin cannot be considered conclusive [4/12]
Former student of then-Professor Ratzinger refutes 'smoking gun' in Oakland case; Says criticism of Pope Benedict is based on "a completely mistaken first premise" [4/12]
Pope Benedict XVI "looking forward" to his visit the Maltese Islands [4/12]
Atheists seek arrest of Pope Benedict during U.K. visit; Want Holy Father put on trial for "crimes against humanity" over abuse scandals [4/12]
"Gender identity disorder" is 'generally passed through' if not reinforced, according to research studies; Researchers say that "when parents or others allow or encourage a child to behave and be treated as the opposite sex, the confusion is reinforced and the child is conditioned for a life of unnecessary pain and suffering" [4/12]
Does media really care about abuse? Abuse is "roughly 100 times more likely to occur in public schools than in Catholic parishes", yet it may go virtually ignored by the media [4/12]
Vatican officials refute claims involving Oakland case; Cardinal Ratzinger "was responding to the priest's own request for dispensation from the vow of celibacy, and at the time had no authority to impose dismissal from the priesthood as a penalty" for abuse; "Cardinal Ratzinger's letter had no bearing on protecting children from Kiesle, or protecting the church's reputation. The priest had already been convicted of...abuse in a well-publicized civil trial in 1978" [4/12]
NY Times columnist says Pope Benedict tougher on abusers than Pope John Paul II; Claims that Pope John Paul II was "a weak administrator, a poor delegator, and sometimes a dreadful judge of character" [4/12]
Thousands visit Shroud of Turin in first public display since 2000; Holy Father welcomes exposition as "an extraordinary call back towards the mystery of the suffering of Christ" [4/12]
Not again: Vatican newspaper praises the Beatles [Related: Earlier stories
here, and
here] [4/12]
Poor children: Number of births to unwed mothers reaches record high according to government report; Number of births to fornicating couples increased by about 1% in 2008 to over 40% of all births [4/12]
Papal defender says journalists have "abandon[ed] standards to attack the Pope"; Says recent AP story "would never have seen the light of day if normal journalistic standards had been in place" [4/12]
Pope Benedict screens film on Pope Pius XII [4/12]
Institute of Christ the King to offer Novena, present spiritual bouquet to Pope Benedict [Note: Link is to form where supporters can pledge prayers & other works] [4/12]
UN judge wants Pope Benedict detained during his visit to the U.K. and prosecuted for "crimes against humanity" in the International Criminal Court over abuse scandals [4/12]
Holy See Press Office Director addresses abuse scandals and resulting "inner wounds", defends Pope Benedict; Says "Alongside concern for victims we must continue to implement, decisively and truthfully, the correct procedures for the canonical judgement of the guilty, and for collaborating with the civil authorities in matters concerning their judicial and penal competencies, taking the specific norms and situations of the various countries into account. Only in this way can we hope effectively to rebuild a climate of justice and complete trust in the ecclesiastical institution" [4/12]
Abuse scandal "not widening" says CL [4/12]
Vatican's sovereign immunity subject to legal challenges [4/12]