In the wake of the killing of a pro-lifer, abortion advocates who like to style themselves "pro-choice" have thrown around the term "anti-choice activist" to describe the slain abortion opponent. There was also mention that there was "some displeasure with how open he was" since he "tended to carry big signs with very graphic pictures of fetuses."
Isn't it amazing how the abortion proponents will refuse to inform women of the serious medical risks of abortion, they may fiercely attempt to deny the obvious fact that abortion kills a human being, and they may even try to block a pregnant woman from having the right to see an ultrasound of her womb, but they claim they are for choice? Why is it they so virulently hate it when women see pictures depicting the end result of the "choice" they want them to make (i.e. a picture of an aborted baby)? Aren't they the true "anti-choice" advocates? An honest choice is made when all facts are considered, yet they want to hide facts from a woman faced with this "choice" so that she might "choose" an abortion.
Isn't it about time that pro-abortionists are called what they truly are - "anti-choice advocates" (or "pro-deathers") - since they are the ones who are preventing women from making a true choice - they really only want her to kill her baby. They have no other "choice" in mind.
Furthermore, it should be remembered by both sides that by the time a woman is pregnant, she already made a choice given the fact that - excepting modern technological monstrosities and the rare exception of rape - the only way to become pregnant is by making a choice - the choice to engage in an act whose very purpose is to cause pregnancy. This is where the true choice is made. If a woman makes this choice, consequences may follow. This is how the body is designed. Biology 101 you might say. The same pro-deathers might think it was wrong to enjoy the pleasure of food and then vomit it up to avoid the consequences, yet they will "fight to the death" for a woman to enjoy the pleasure of the marital act and then kill a child to avoid the natural consequences. Let them remember where the true choice is made. By the time a woman is pregnant, it was already made.