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Pope asks for prayers for success of Czech pilgrimage [9/24]
Pope to visit Great Britain next year [9/24]
Perhaps they can't handle the truth: YouTube once again pulls pro-life video from its website; Censored video showed Catholic funerals for abortion victims [9/24]
Vatican grants temporary reprieve to three Cleveland parishes scheduled for closure [9/24]
Law professor warns that healthcare bill "could threaten the existence of Catholic hospitals, which would in turn render America vulnerable to a widescale dehumanization of healthcare" [9/24]
According to the FSSP, "Pope Benedict XVI wishes that the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter be entrusted, beyond the celebration of Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form, at as many places as possible, with the cura animarum, i.e. the full pastoral care"; Says "the Holy Father was very interested in whether the Fraternity was able to exercise its apostolate without obstacles, as intended" [9/24]
Archbishop responds to Sebelius' comments: She "misrepresents the issue" & is not a victim of "of merely upholding the law"; Says it was "very painful" for him to instruct her not to receive Holy Communion, but notes his "serious obligation to uphold the integrity of the Eucharist and to protect other Catholics from being misled by the former Governor's support for legalized abortion" [9/24]
Catholic magazine in Poland ordered to issue apology, pay fine of about $11K to woman "vilified" for wanting an abortion; Magazine editor compares abortion to Auschwitz: "They had become accustomed to the murders being carried out behind the fence of the camp. And what is the case today? Different, but just as terrible"; Magazine to appeal ruling citing freedom of speech [9/24]
Former Chicago priest found to be "too dangerous" to parole [9/24]
Notre Dame law professor emeritus critical of ND's recent actions [9/24]