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Almost 17% of students in Nebraska Catholic high school out sick [9/2]
UN agency calls for children to become abortion advocates [9/2]
CWN believes Tornielli - who they say has "a formidable reputation for accuracy in reporting on the inner workings of the Roman Curia" - is right re: the reform of reform; Says their own sources at the Vatican confirm that "Tornielli's story was right on target" [9/2]
Another pro-abort Supreme Court justice may be planning to step down [9/2]
Group of Catholics in Poland draft law against IVF; Proposal calls for 3-year prison sentence for those "whose actions lead to" the gravely immoral IVF procedure; Polish bishops have criticized the procedure which results in the death of many embryos as "a sophisticated form of abortion" [9/2]
Bishop of Iowa notes importance of healthcare reform but opposes current legislation as it doesn't exclude abortion [9/2]
Your legislators at work: Connecticut legislators caught playing solitaire during budget debate [9/2]
"There's a lot of money involved": Pro-lifers produce documentary to "expose the 'inconvenient truth' about the money involved in the abortion industry"; Film reveals that abortion providers may purposely dispense "defective" c*ntraceptives to help meet their goal of "three to five abortions from every girl from the ages 13 to 18" [9/2]
Don't you feel secure? Department of Homeland Security sets goal to apprehend less than 30 percent of major violations at border ports entry; Commentator says "Before President Obama closes the Guantanamo Bay prison where we keep the terrorists we do capture, perhaps he should secure the ports of entry at our border where a terrorist has about a 70 percent chance of escaping capture" [9/2]
Marriage backers collect enough signatures to secure ballot initiative to overturn bill giving homosexual couples state-provided benefits of married couples; Release of signatures temporarily blocked over concern that they could be used for harassment [9/2]
Vatican "remains calm" while Italian bishops go up against Prime Minister [9/2]
Good news: Archbishop of Cincinnati bans dissenting nun from teaching over refusal to end support for women's ordination [Refresher: Top Reasons Why Women Can't Be Priests] [9/2]
CWN says Bishop of Scranton was pushed out [9/2]
New TLM locations starting this September [9/2]