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Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for August [7/31]
Vatican publishes April-July 2009 "highlights": Included on list are: Inaugurating the Year for Priests, closing the Pauline Year, merging of Ecclesia Dei with the CDF, meeting with President Obama, and the Holy Father's recent surgery [7/31]
Italy gives approval to 'morning after' abortion drug; Vatican prelate reminds of penalty of automatic excommunication: "There will be excommunication for the doctor, the woman and anyone who encourages its use" [7/31]
ALL condemns Society of St. Vincent de Paul & Catholic Health Association for supporting healthcare reform which includes abortion, euthanasia; Says they are "undermining the very foundation they exist to protect and foster: the dignity of human persons and the sanctity of their right to life" [7/31]
Catholic Charities USA denies support of healthcare legislation that "allows or promotes the funding of abortions or that compels any health care provider or institution to provide such a service"; Claims "all media accounts or public comments that misrepresent this position are inaccurate"; Says critics' "attacks" are "distortions of the truth and disingenuous" and appear to be "politically motivated" [7/31]
Multilingual Pope to sing for charity on album to be released 11/30; Record label - which has specialized in rock music - says listeners will be "shocked" by the Holy Father's "incredible voice" [7/31]
The Vatican's "basement" [7/31]
"Prominent" nun who serves as executive director of controversial organization brushes off pro-life concerns over healthcare legislation as "insignificant details"; Other Catholic organizations - both "mainstream" & controversial - also push for "swift" healthcare reform even though pending legislation is likely to increase abortion, euthanasia [7/31]
Body of murdered priest found on roadside in India [7/31]
Publication of "shocking' Irish abuse report may be delayed or censored to avoid undermining prosecution efforts [7/31]