Evidently you are made of money. Well, at least that's what the government appears to think. Besides forcing you to cough up the usual sums for Medicare, 'Social Security', property taxes, sales taxes, state taxes, city & local taxes, phone taxes, fuel taxes, utilities taxes, etc., Uncle Sam seems on a relentless path to force you to open up your wallet even farther. Ostensibly forgetful of record unemployment rates and the present recession, the "public servants" in the nation's capital are feverishly working on devising new schemes to part you from your hard-earned funds.
They already use your taxes to pay for abortions, for benefits for s*domite "partners", for failed public "education", and for a host of other 'pet projects' that you may vehemently object to. But they manifestly don't care. Recently, they voted to spend outrageous amounts to "stimulate" the economy. And where do you think that money will ultimately come from? The taxpayer, of course. Sadly, your so-called "representatives" in government didn't bother reading the bill they voted on to make sure it was prudent, they didn't sufficiently investigate the reports they based their conclusions on, they didn't bother trimming out wasteful spending, and they didn't bother asking you what you wanted. They just voted for it. No surprise, but early reports already show this 'stimulus' has been a failure. And it is only expected to get worse.
Not daunted in the least by this, your 'public servants' have ventured forward to spend your hard-earned tax money buying troubled companies. Again, you got no vote. Still not satisfied, they are moving ahead with absurdly costly & harmful programs to "regulate" the climate and nationalize healthcare (which is almost certain to include coverage for contraception & abortions, and likely to cover healthcare for illegals). Again you'll get no vote. You'd think they'd at least have the decency to read the legislation they enact, but no. Nor will they commit to giving the public a week to read proposed bills that will have a major impact on their lives. That's just too much to ask of these 'public servants'. Rather, your elected government officials expect you will just "shut up and pay".
Unfortunately, our bishops have not helped much by (1) "enthusiastically" supporting "climate change legislation" that opponents say will result in "the largest tax increase in American history" and have only a "miniscule effect on the process of climate change", and (2) by their apparently promoting "comprehensive healthcare coverage" for illegals...all paid for at your expense, of course.
Certainly, we are called to pay taxes...
"Pay to all their dues, taxes to whom taxes are due, toll to whom toll is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due." (St. Paul, Rom.13:7)
...but there is obviously a limit to what is morally acceptable. A bit of sanity from Popes seems in order:
"[I]t is grossly unjust for a State to exhaust private wealth through the weight of imposts and taxes." (Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno")
"Public authority therefore would act unjustly and inhumanly if in the name of taxes it should appropriate from the property of private individuals more than is equitable." (Pope Leo XIII, "Rerum Novarum")
As citizens, we must take the time to demand that our government put an end to the wasteful spending of our tax money. Tell your government officials that you expect them to fully read & carefully evaluate any legislation they vote for. If you can't afford higher taxes and energy costs, tell them that (who can afford such things?). Tell them you object to their funding of abortion, s*domite 'partner' benefits, etc. as well as any other immoral and irresponsible spending of your tax money. Tell them it is wrong that you have to cut back on necessities while they squander your tax money. Tell them you don't want new taxes for "climate change" legislation or for nationalized healthcare. Tell them you object to their burdening your children & grandchildren with enormous debt. It is very important to express your concerns to them now, before it is too late. They have acted with apparent disregard for you in the past, however there is one thing they likely still care about - their reelection. Make them fear for that. Stand firm and vow to do what you can to ensure they will not get reelected if they do not do what you ask of them. Even if you "have no time" to make the call, you must find the time somehow. If you don't, you will certainly pay the price later - literally. And don't expect that it will be cheap.
[Note: Click link for contact information: White House | Senate | House of Representatives | State Legislatures]