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Note: The following are from the MyCatholicSource.com News & Opinion Page at
http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cmno/news_and_opinion.htm (or archived at http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cmno/news_and_opinion_archive_2009.htm ). Not all links may be included. Dates in brackets may refer to dates the links were added to the MCS news page. Items herein contain text only. To view news briefs, actual news links (or to view full news stories), click above link for MCS News & Opinion Page (or archive).
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Catholic Medical Association says proposed healthcare reform "could make our current, flawed system even worse" [7/30]
Pope Benedict's Bavarian home to become a "solar-power generator"; Project may provide income, electricity for German power grid; Materials, labor donated by local workers and students [7/30]
Vatican publishes "highlights" for Jan.-March 2009; List includes letter to bishops concerning the lifting of SSPX excommunications; Highlights for April-June 2009 to be published on 7/31 [7/30]
Vatican library to re-open in 2010; "Pope's library" is one of the oldest in the world [7/30]
Opposition building to Sotomayor nomination; Article says "no Democratic nominee since 1916 has received as many votes against his nomination as are already certain even before the Sotomayor final vote" [7/30]
Catholics flee Vietnamese city for fear of being assaulted; Government officials have reportedly considered creating a "Catholic-free" zone [7/30]
Bill Clinton fundraising for pro-aborts; Former President seeks filibuster-proof majority in the Senate [7/30]
Sickening: 'Transsexual' man strips, attacks priest in Italy during Mass [7/30]
Attack on the elderly: Doctor who has read part of proposed healthcare bill says end-of-life counseling is "strong-arm counseling", Says "the counseling parts are designed to encourage euthanasia" and warns that healthcare providers "may be forced to give counseling directly opposed to their religious or moral beliefs"; Lawyer finds language in the bill "incomprehensible", which he believes was "done maliciously" [7/30]
"It just doesn’t get any sicker than this" says Catholic League president regarding health care rights for infants who survive abortion or murder [7/30]
"So much for tolerance": Group peacefully defending marriage assaulted by pro-homosexual activists [7/30]