Speculation is that the 'famous' FL priest who betrayed his vows and left the Church to join a heretical sect soon will 'marry' the 'divorced' woman. The reprehensible behavior displayed is obviously lamentable & scandalous, but it also presents an opportunity to pause for some serious thought.
For example:
* He will now be preaching in a false 'church' that espouses heresy - Will he change his doctrine? Was his doctrine Catholic in the first place? If so, how can this sect accept him unless he changes his theology? Does he not care that his sect is set up in opposition to Christ? "Do they actually think that Christ is with them in their gatherings, when they gather outside the Church of Christ?" (St. Cyprian of Carthage)
* Will he be effecting a valid (although illicit) consecration in their 'temples of heresy'? Although his sect does not have the powers of the priesthood (click here for decree on Anglican orders), his personal priestly powers still remain. Therefore, he can confect a valid Eucharist if he uses the proper form & matter and has the proper intention.
* Does this former teacher of Catholic souls somehow fail to realize that he cannot be validly married to this woman if her husband is still alive and she was validly married to him? (click here) Unless his formation was incredibly deficient, he would have to know this. Yet he intends to go through with this mock "marriage" anyhow? What does this say about his supposed 'faith'? How could a man with such apparently shallow faith have been made a priest?
* Given his sudden betrayal of the Catholic Church for a heretical sect, one may wonder if this former leader of Catholics ever adhered to the infallible Catholic doctrine regarding No Salvation Outside the Church (click here). And, if he failed to hold this doctrine, was he not already under the Church's anathema? [For example: Pope Pelagius II, c. 585 A.D.: "If anyone, however, either suggests or believes or presumes to teach contrary to this faith, let him know that he is condemned and also anathematized according to the opinion of the same Fathers... Consider (therefore) the fact that whoever has not been in the peace and unity of the Church, cannot have the Lord (Gal. 3:7)" And, Lateran Council, 649 A.D.: "If any one does not profess, in accordance with the holy Fathers, properly and truthfully all that has been handed down and taught publicly to the holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church of God, both by the same holy Fathers and the five approved universal councils, to the last detail in word and intention: let him be condemned."]
* How could a man who has been ordained a Catholic priest simply stop caring about the Church or the souls he was placed over? How could he so easily betray them? Worse yet, how could he so easily abandon Christ for whom he solemnly promised to serve? Shouldn't someone have noticed his shortcomings? Remember, if he hadn't been caught, he'd probably still be a priest cavorting with this woman. Sadly, before he was exposed, this priest laid his adulterous hands on the Holy Eucharist time and again.
* How can it be thought that he actually "loves" the woman with whom he is about to enter a mock sacrament to commit adultery? We know the punishment for those unrepentant of the mortal sin of adultery is eternal hellfire. How is that love? Also, does he not care about this woman's offspring? How could he be said to care about them if he is willing to betray God, espouse heresy, cause their mother to live in adultery...?
Also worthy of serious thought is the fact that this former Catholic shepherd appears entirely devoid of fear of the Lord. His list of public sins is mounting rapidly: breaking of vows, adultery, heresy...
As Scripture tells us:
"[Jesus said,] I shall show you whom to fear. Be afraid of the one who after killing has the power to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, be afraid of that one." (Lk. 12-5)
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; prudent are all who live by it." (Ps. 111:10)
"Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king." (St. Peter, 1 Pt. 2:17)
"So then, my beloved, obedient as you have always been, not only when I am present but all the more now when I am absent, work out your salvation with fear and trembling." (St. Paul, Phil. 2:12)
Does this former Catholic shepherd not fear hell? Did he therefore also fail to inspire his former parishioners with a fear of hell? And this was a "good priest" a "model priest"? One worthy to be on television and radio?
As St. Augustine says, "If, then, the Lord inspired fear, and inspired it strongly, and doubled it by repeating the threat, I ask you, is it wrong of you to fear? I would not say that. Fear openly, there is nothing better for you than fear; there is nothing you ought to fear more."
Should not Catholics be extremely troubled that a Catholic priest has apparently no fear of the Lord?
In fact, this former Catholic shepherd's recent behavior gives reason to question his entire body of past teaching. Was it truly orthodox? Is this simply a case of his not practicing what he preached? If so, how could he have taught Catholic doctrine correctly yet suddenly go against this doctrine? Did he really hold Catholic doctrine to begin with? Did his Catholic faith really mean so little to him or does he see little difference between it and the heretical sect he has joined? Ether way, the answer is frightening. Remember he was a CATHOLIC PRIEST placed over CATHOLIC SOULS. And a "famous" Catholic priest at that.
Now that he seems to have no qualms about joining a false 'church' and "marrying" a divorced woman in a 'temple of heresy', we see he is clearly lacking in the sensus Catholicus. Therefore, how could he have been ordained in the first place? How could he have been made "famous" on Catholic radio and television? How did the deceived masses - or his superiors - not notice his lack of faith or sanctity? God help us.
Final note: Is it not ironic that he has chosen to abandon the Church for a sect traced to Henry VIII, another former Catholic whose libido led to his destruction?
[Note: Previous story here] [6/13]