Once again, concern over the recent flu outbreak has prompted parishes to curtail offering Holy Communion to the laity under the species of wine. (Note: This refers to Communion practices at Novus Ordo Masses only - not to 'Tridentine' Latin Masses, which already bar this practice by default). Therefore, it seems a fitting time to remind visitors of some facts concerning Holy Communion...
* It is not necessary to receive Holy Communion under both species. As the Council of Trent states: "If any one saith that the precept of God or by necessity of salvation all and each of the faithful of Christ ought to receive both species of the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist: let him be anathema."
* Introduction of Communion under both species for lay persons in the 20th century began as a result of disobedience to the Pope. It has contributed to irreverence, desecration, and sacrilege. It has caused some Catholics to erroneously (and heretically) believe that it is necessary to Communicate under both species or that they receive Christ "more fully" if they receive Holy Communion under both species. It has also led to the widespread proliferation of 'Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist' (lay persons dispensing Holy Communion), a practice always condemned by the Church.
* Holy Communion under both species may be allowed only under certain conditions. And, even this limited toleration was extracted from the Holy See due to widespread disobedience on the part of certain of the faithful (e.g. liberals / modernists, feminists). Therefore, in many cases, it is an abuse.
* There are "numerous and weighty reasons" that the Church has adopted the practice of Communion under one species (click here for more information).
* There are serious concerns over widespread distribution of Holy Communion under the species of wine [e.g. danger of spillage & profanation, confusion of teaching regarding the Real Presence in one species (e.g. thinking Christ is not received fully and entirely under one species alone), sanitary issues, danger of infection / spread of disease, inability to tolerate species of wine, interference of species of wine with medication, etc.].
* Communion under both species may be seen as conforming to "Protestant sensibilities" - "Communion under both kinds is accepted as the Protestant symbol of true Bible Christianity in contrast to Romish corruptions." (Davies) [Note: While Protestants may receive bread & wine, theirs is simply that - bread and wine. They have no power of orders and cannot confect a valid Eucharist.]
* Communion under both species was not commanded by the Second Vatican Council.
* The faithful are never required to Communicate under both species - "The holy council, guided by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of godliness (see Isa. 11:2), and following the custom and the judgment of the Church itself, teaches and declares that the laity and clerics who are not celebrating are not bound by any divine command to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist under both species. And faith leaves no possibility of doubting that Communion under one species is sufficient for salvation." (Council of Trent)
* Christ is contained fully and entirely under one species and is not received "more fully" under both species than under one species.
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