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More censorship at YouTube? Popular video-sharing site removes undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood [6/25]
Some vandalized statues at Catholic parishes undergoing repair; Still no leads on who perpetrated the "devastating act of vandalism" [6/25]
Korean police chief apologizes for police violence against priests [6/25]
In 2011, U.S. astronaut will again carry St. Therese relic into space [6/25]
Pro-abort group selling purple wrist bracelets with Tiller's "mantra" - "Trust Women" - to "honor his message and as a symbol" of pro-choice "values" and to "pay tribute" to the notorious abortionist's "legacy" [6/25]
Don't expect Obama to convert: White House press secretary gives unsolicited comment regarding Obama's upcoming meeting with Pope Benedict: "I can assure you...we’re not joining a church in Italy" [6/25]
[Advisory: The following contains graphic references to the partial-birth abortion procedure] A bit of sanity: U.S. Court of appeals in VA upholds state's partial birth abortion ban; Concurring judge writes: "The fact is that we - civilized people - are retreating to the haven of our Constitution to justify dismembering a partly born child and crushing its skull. Surely centuries hence, people will look back on this gruesome practice done in the name of fundamental law by a society of high achievement. And they will shudder." [6/25]
Irish Prime Minister demands that religious orders reveal "extent of their assets" by mid-July; Government commission to evaluate orders' ability to provide additional compensation for abuse victims [6/25]
Senator Brownback declares opposition to Sotomayor nomination; Says she "believes the judiciary should take an activist role and make laws, instead of upholding the law" [6/25]
Excommunicated archbishop ordains another bishop in push for married priests [Refresher: For reasons for priestly celibacy, visit
http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/pc/vocations/why_priestly_celibacy.htm ] [6/25]