Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sisters being "silenced" by their superiors

NCR is reporting that sisters who support the Vatican's investigation of female religious orders in the U.S. are being "silenced" by their superiors. One sister who "fully attest[s] to the need for this visitation" said that her community's leaders "want Jesus but not the Church." Some women religious have reportedly been blocked from accessing the Internet "to squelch participation in the visitation." NCR notes that the recently opened online discussion group for sisters who support the visitation had 79 members within just a few weeks.

Liberal sisters have both resisted and publicly criticized the (long overdue!) investigation - some even claim to be "puzzled" by it. However, it is well known that modernist sisters in the U.S. have promoted liberalism, dissent, radical feminism, anti-clericalism, paganism, New Age practices, and witchcraft. Within some circles, there has even been talk of "moving beyond the Church, even beyond Jesus."

The number of female religious in the U.S. has declined by over 50% since the 1960's. However, in contrast to the aging and shrinking liberal communities, the traditional communities are young & flourishing.
